Modupe John Oladele

Student Registration number: ATS/PHDTH/2021/006

Full name: Modupe John Oladele

Full Address (If available)

Location (State or country)

Class type (Online/Campus)

Campus location:

Year of admission:

Year of Graduation: 2023

Certificate in view: Doctor of Philosophy in Church Leadership & Development

Current stastus: COMPLETED

Ojo John Abiodun

Student Registration number: ATS/DTH/2021/002
Full name: Ojo John Abiodun

Full Address (If Neccesary)

Location (State or country)

Class type (Online/Campus)

Campus location:

Year of admission:

Year of Graduation:

Certificate in view: Diploma In Theology

Current stastus: COMPLETED

Full Address (If Neccesary)

Location (State or country)

Class type (Online/Campus)

Campus location:

Year of admission:

Year of Graduation:

Certificate in view:

Current stastus

Adebayo Dorcas Olabisi

Student Registration number: ATS/DTH/2021/001

Full name: Adebayo Dorcas Olabisi

Full Address (If available)

Location (State or country)

Class type (Online/Campus)

Campus location:

Year of admission:

Year of Graduation: 2023

Certificate in view: Diploma In Theology

Current stastus: COMPLETED